As a Partner Do You Make Money Just From Views or Do You Need Clicks?


Well-Known Member
I'm curious if a person who is a YouTube partner gets paid just to get views, even if they don't have an advertisement before or other types of things. I'm not a partner but I monetize my videos and get some money in my AdSense account, but I feel like it only pays me if people click on the advertisements on my videos.

Anyone able to clear this up will get a chocolate chip cookie!!!
I'm curious if a person who is a YouTube partner gets paid just to get views, even if they don't have an advertisement before or other types of things. I'm not a partner but I monetize my videos and get some money in my AdSense account, but I feel like it only pays me if people click on the advertisements on my videos.

Anyone able to clear this up will get a chocolate chip cookie!!!
Views are monetized when the ad has been watched for 30 seconds and the video has been watched for 5 seconds. Clicks can be more dangerous than beneficial, as click fraud is where AdSense starts to shut down accounts ruthlessly.
So how do partners make money who have no 30 second spots to watch nor ads over their videos? Because I know not all have those things but still make money.
When you are a YT Partner you are able to choose which Ad Format is shown. Also depending on if you are a Full YouTube Partner or subscribe to some Network your Payments might be different. Some Network pay for the shown Ad, while some other pay you for the among of Views.