Are my Let's Plays too long?

Jetpi99 Gaming

I've Got It
I have three Let's Plays running right now, of one game I've made 24 episodes already, 42 of another. My channel isn't very big yet (26 subs), so should I instead play shorter games? The first episode of two of my Let's Plays got some views, after that almost none. The other Let's Play is getting a few consistent views, but less than at the beginning. Could it be that the same three games just become boring, and that switching to shorter Let's Plays would keep my viewers more interested? Right now, I upload one episode of every game per day, so I have had these Let's Plays running for a few weeks now. Thank you for your advice.
I would think if your audience retention is good this would indicate your length of videos is not an issue. Are you playing recent and trending games? I would imagine this would help increase traffic to your channel. I'm not really able to offer solid advice as I'm yet to learn how best to promote your videos and am only just starting but that's just my opinion.
I see the lenght is 15-20 minutes on average, so it is fair, but the problem, if you ask me, is the frequence. Remaining consistent is important, true, but a video every six hours on average is too much! Try to one or two a day and see if it improves.
I had a 2 vid/day schedule until last week when I changed to 3/day, hasn't worsened because of that. But is doing a Let's Play that takes dozens of episodes to finish too much for a new channel? Would some games that I can finish in maybe 10 episodes be better? I could do a lot of small games instead of a few big ones. Or are both options okay?[DOUBLEPOST=1500475128,1500469928][/DOUBLEPOST]I'm afraid my games aren't the most recent. The Evil Within came out 2014, though the soon coming sequel might make it more interesting. Dying Light came out 2015, Space Engineers was first released in 2013, but it's in early access and in constant development. Maybe this is why my Space Engineers Videos are being watched most.
Back when I was doing Let's Play videos I kept mine at 1 day at about 15-20 minutes in length. Which kept my fans coming back for more. I don't think you need to do shorter games but perhaps don't upload as many all in the same day. =]
Usually for a let's play the ideal time is around 20-30 minutes enough for them to learn how to play, but not so much to where they feel if they miss an episode they will never catch up.
I have three Let's Plays running right now, of one game I've made 24 episodes already, 42 of another. My channel isn't very big yet (26 subs), so should I instead play shorter games? The first episode of two of my Let's Plays got some views, after that almost none. The other Let's Play is getting a few consistent views, but less than at the beginning. Could it be that the same three games just become boring, and that switching to shorter Let's Plays would keep my viewers more interested? Right now, I upload one episode of every game per day, so I have had these Let's Plays running for a few weeks now. Thank you for your advice.

@Jetpi99 Gaming

I've moved your thread to the review / feedback forum. :)

For future reference: - Please note that the review forum is the only forum where active YTtalk members can ask for feedback on their videos and channel (including artwork) at the rate of no more than 1 request per week. We like to keep this sort of thread out of the main forums. :) If the review request complies with the review forum rules (at the top of the review forum), then they get approved by a member of staff.

Good luck.
Thank you all. I'm at a 3 vid/day schedule because I have summer break and lots of time. Once I have to go back to school, I will switch back to 2 vids/day. I'm only doing three per day now because I have three games. More than one vid of the same game per day would really be a lot.
To your last point, I think it's great that you're putting out so many videos, and I 1000% get wanting to post a video as soon as you make it. However. If you add up your let's play minutes per day you get 45 mins-1hr per day. The average young adult is on the internet for about 3-4 hours a day, and in adults it's closer to 2-3. Even if all that time is spent on youtube, it's hard for people to dedicate 1 hour of their time to any one person, even if it's a massive channel, and with low subs you don't have quite the same following and dedication and so there's an even less chance of that happening. Then you add on top of that it's spread out so people have to click on your channel and get notifications from it 3 times a day to even see your stuff, and who knows if they're interested in all 3, and you get a bit of an overload. It's not to say your channel is bad- it's definitely not- but just with basic human psychology you get a system that seems like it should work- you're making more stuff for people to watch, so they should be watching more, right?- but it ends up hurting a little bit instead. If you upload 2, even 1 video per day it does 2 big things: 1. it increases longevity just in case you wanted to make certain games last longer, and 2. people have that one focal point that they are attracted to, they have 15 minutes allocated to you, and that drives up your CONSISTENT views which brings up your watch time, which makes your videos appear more on recommended and get's more people interested in your channel. So while again, I totally feel you with wanting to just post post post there are possible negative effects there that you should be aware of, based on how the average person consumes media. Hope I didn't bore you, I just want to see people improve on the platform so I thought I'd give my 2 cents on the matter, hope it helped!
15-20 mins on a lets play you seem to be doing, I think that is pretty good.
I think a problem with some of your content is the fact its age restricted, giving you a smaller audience.