Are Miley Cyrus jokes outdated?


Active Member
We're making a new comedy video, and were wondering if a joke about Miley Cyrus, specifically Wrecking Ball, would still be relevant. What do you guys think?
If something is funny then it will always be relevant, just look at Family Guy he's always relating his jokes to old time situations or t.v. shows. If it's funny than go for it!
We're making a new comedy video, and were wondering if a joke about Miley Cyrus, specifically Wrecking Ball, would still be relevant. What do you guys think?
Oh, I hope not! My last Miley Cyrus joke is the start of one of my series, so I really hope it isn't out of date already! Do you think it is still relevant?

I think you probably have fewer search results than you would a few months ago, but I think she'll be back in the news soon enough and they'll pick back up. Go for it :)
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I never found any Miley Cyrus jokes funny, but if you're a funny person jokes shouldn't have an expiration date. Go for it if you want.
While it's now a little old now, it's no where near as bad as people still making chuck norris jokes :O
Yes, they're outdated now. I'm sure a good Justin Bieber joke would work, though. He's a little more "relevant" than Miley at the moment anyway.

(Don't take this the wrong way, I'm actually a Bieber fan. Or at least, his music.)