Applying for a Network

You may well be, but referring to those who disagree with you as haters is a childish immature dismissal of an argument. You may as well have said "I am rubber, you are glue". Evidence, not silly platitudes win arguments.
i'm calling people haters because that's who is usually commenting. some times other people say networks suck because their not in one them selves.
That is a mistake IMO. Setting your sights on a network as though they are the only place you want to be is dangerous and sets expectations too high. You have to remember that these networks are to be working for you, not the other way around. You want the best arrangement possible. Now, at your current size it is unlikely that you'll have much negotiating power. That's why you want to have plenty of options. You may be able to play them off of one another to get a better deal, but generally when you're still small yet, the best course of action is to stick to the shortest term that you can find. This is simply because you won't be as likely to get a great revenue share, and if you grow you want to be able to move elsewhere sooner.

Just try not to put a network up on a pedestal. They don't belong there.[/quote]
Well said and it's logical to look around but from the research I've done on the networks out there pertaining to the type of content that I do mostly BigFrame or Fullscreen has popped in my face. Other networks that I've seen is either make-up or gaming. What would be considered a descent contract? I would love a contract that I'm only obligated to for 6 months but I'm not sure if that exist. If not I'm not interested in anything longer than a year.