Thanks for the interest in Creator X!
It takes 7
business days for application review. (excludes weekends & holidays) If it goes past that, then let us know on Twitter if possible.
Also, important to note we had 2 "out of office" days this week and 1 last week. So, take that into consideration when calculating.
As far as your specific channel, please see more info below...
Thanks and good luck!
We don't put much stock in subscribers. We look for about 100 views per day, consistency (frequency & quality), no copyright or AdSense issues. If you get 100 views per day on average, then you might want to review your content for possible copyright issues. As far as the other channel you mention... we're pretty strict about the view requirement and it's unlikely we partnered a channel at that level. (barring some other reason)
Gahh... sorry we missed out Rob!
Congrats on joining Fullscreen!
We do want to see a consistent level of views for Creator X. However, we can make exceptions if someone's content really catches our eye. Of course, if someone has awesome content and still doesn't get approved... they should not take it personally. We can only watch a couple videos per channel before making a determination.
You're probably worrying too much.
We get repeat applications all the time. To correct an error... it's fine. Otherwise, please see first reply in this post for help on time frame and where to contact us if it goes past that.
The importance of this cannot be over-stated.
Always be nice and professional to your network's staff. More bees with honey and all that.
This is the right attitude!
have to be completely honest with you... your daily views aren't currently in the range we need to see and there may be a content issue on your channel. We look for about 100 views per day (currently), consistency (frequency & quality), no copyright or AdSense issues.
You need to bring your views up and double check all your videos for any copyright issues. Noticed at least one video where the source of the intro music was unclear. You need to have commercial permission/license for all music that is not created by you and detail that permission in the video description.
Most likely you will get a denial email. Sorry!
you should not take this personally at all! You seem very sweet, have the right attitude, and have potential... simply keep working on your content, correct the known issues, and apply again when your channel is ready!
Hope that helps and good luck!