Anyone partnered with or heard of GT Channel?

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I've never heard of them before, but by looking at their channel they're pretty successful. If I were in your situation I would research about the network and find out the positives and negatives about them. I would also apply with lots of networks and see which network offers the best. But because your channel is based on motors ect... I would go with them well if you get the opportunity to. Always ask questions if you're uncertain about something.
It is the large networks that tend to be less valuable to niche content owners - little fish in a big pond. Particularly for auto creators. Other networks like fullscreen and machinima have auto channels, but they don't understand that world and don't have the relationship with suitable sponsors, brands, and other auto content folks. GTChannel was a part of another network - then left because it didn't work - now they are building a network as it should be for the true auto enthusiast - a community.
I joined GT Channel a couple months ago. Its hard to say if they helped or not though. They take a 30% off the top though and you are locked in for 3 years. I found this via the google search so i dont want someone to miss having some information. PM for details...
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