Any Tips on How to Do 'On The Fly' Commentary While Recording Gameplay?


Hello YT Talk!

HONGSHI here with a question about RECORDING COMMENTARY while playing games.

Can anyone here give me some tips and pointers on how I can practice talking about what I'm doing while playing video games?

Muselk is a wonderful example of what I'm trying to STRIVE for.

My issue is whenever I start trying to talk and play I tend to STUMBLE on my words and end up MUMBLING and it just RUINS the recording.

Are there any exercises I can do to become better at speaking to the imaginary audience or friend?
Practice talking. The reason you are mumbling might be because your attention is divided between two things and you are not practiced enough to do both. Like when you learn guitar, you get to a point where you can strum, or you can make chords. You need to make the leap to doing both at the same time.

Practice offline by yourself. Maybe do 5-minute stretches and the review the video. Then concentrate on what you think is going wrong. Rinse and repeat.
Thanks for your input!

I do TRY to practice while I'm not playing games like when I'm walking to the store while people think I'm some kind of CRAZY PERSON. ; u ;

Maybe I just need to EMBRACE the CRAZY hahahahahaaaaaaa...