Any Ideas for an "Intro Line"?


Hi Everyone

Most of the time i've been using the generic Intro Line - "Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen to ... " which isnt a bad thing, however i've been thinking about the future and was thinking that a custom intro line would fit better than a generic handle.

Anyone got any ideas? I've been brainstorming different channel ideas like series and what not, but i can't think of anything unique for Intro Lines.

Kind Regards
that's something you have to come up with yourself to be your unique style, its not really something we can just hand out otherwise we all would use it and it wouldnt really be unique anymore.
that's something you have to come up with yourself to be your unique style, its not really something we can just hand out otherwise we all would use it and it wouldnt really be unique anymore.

That's understandable, the fact that if people gave me exact lines that it wouldnt really be unique. Maybe some kind of inspiration to make a custom line, i just can't come up with anything at the moment. Thanks tho!
mine used "hello people of the Internet" which I don't use anymore. now I I just start off with a blooper basically haha
It shouldn't be such a big deal I think. If something unique comes along with time, then it will, but I think it's ok with just having a casual greeting.
How to develop an intro line:

Step 1: Think of an interesting way to say hello
(I.E Howdy)

Step 2: Find a funny name for your demographic.
(I.E Dudes & Dudettes)

Step 3: Welcome back to ______
(I.E My cringy channel! Or, another one of my videos.)

Step 4: Combine it.

Howdy Dudes and Dudettes! Welcome back to another one of my videos!

Hopefully that terrible example helps you find some kind of unique intro line. :)
Depends on what the basis of your channel is about?
Im almost finished re-branding and becoming a weekend show so I can keep to a schedule whilst balancing work and social life.
because everyone loves the weekend....unless you still have to work of course lol
then I open my videos with "THE WEEKEND IS FINALLY HERE!!!! HURRAAAAYYYYY!!"
State my name and the game then jump straight into it