Any idea how to unpartner from awesomeness tv?

Earlier on in the year I decided I would apply to awesomness tv (which I now know was a mistake). I haven't signed any contracts or even seen one and now I'm partnered with them! any help on getting un partnered with them?

Andrew :-D
Wouldn't having no contract pretty much be a non legal partnership so couldn't contacting them to terminate ur partnership with them ?
If you haven't signed a contract... just tell them to let you go. If they don't, contact me, my aunt's a lawyer we can put the fear of God in to them as they would have no legal case.
OOOOOH I wanna see this :p You should post a video on YouTube about it LOL.
OOOOOH I wanna see this :p You should post a video on YouTube about it LOL.
hahahaha yeah she's good with these kinds of situations, and if he legit didn't sign a contract she could have a FIELD DAY with this hahahaha