Any Game Suggestions??

Rendan lovell

Well-Known Member
I have a gaming channel and love to play pretty much anything. Horror games especially!
Games I've played:
Amnesia: The Dark Decent, The Great Work, and Troll Story
Slender (most versions)
Stanley Parable
The Walking Dead (Currently Playing)
League Of Leagues
The Sims
Cat Mario
Unfair Mario
Kravens Manor

And a lot a lot more! But I would love to get some new ideas since I am running out of games to play that I currently own. So, any suggestions?
Mirror's Edge was pretty fun to me, and I got it in the humble bundle along with other games.
try more obscure titles; honestly the more popular the title is, the more likely it's going to have at least 4k other videos that are similar and they tend to prioritize the older videos or the ones that have more views
yes precedence is key but also you can give insight whether or not it's a worth to buy or not since people might be on the fence about it
If you mostly do horror games, and want a different twist, try Luigi's Mansion! Awesome game (working on a Lets Play myself), and well.. its basically Nintendo's way of making a horror game within the Mario Universe.