Analytics Not Working?

I get to see my overview. Everything's at zero ofcourse, but that's probably because it isn't connected to my YT account yet :confused:
I get to see my overview. Everything's at zero ofcourse, but that's probably because it isn't connected to my YT account yet :confused:
Well then, you're fine. Revenue reporting was moved to YouTube Analytics on April 1st. Earnings are finalized before the 10th of the beginning of each month.
But when I go to Channel Settings --> Monetization ; it says in green "Your AdSense Application has been submitted and is being reviewed. You will receive an email regarding the status of your application within about a week." It has been saying that for more then 2 weeks now.
Yup, it looks like we have the exact same problem indeed.
I still haven't received any e-mail either and I've searched around, apparently some people seem to get their response within a few hours/days, while others wait sometimes longer than 3 weeks.
So your AdSense isn't associated yet?

Go to your AdSense account and grant 3rd-party access to YouTube through your AdSense Account settings page under Access and authorization.
Alright! I will try that.

Thank you ! You've been a great help :)
Have a great day!