Am I Ready For A Network?


YouTube Networks Addict!
Hi guys just need some friendly advice, basically can you check my channel out and tell me if you think It is worth associating myself with a network yet? my videos are currently being monetized on youtube. Any advice is welcomed good or bad. Do you think I would have any issues being accepted and if so what are they? and if you think I am ready what networks would you recommend?

Thanks in advance
From your SB, you are getting around 400 views per day but ur SB was recently added so wait for a few more days! :). But from your videos you are not getting much comments and likes, so maybe gain alittle more subs first? :d.
From your SB, you are getting around 400 views per day but ur SB was recently added so wait for a few more days! :). But from your videos you are not getting much comments and likes, so maybe gain alittle more subs first? :d.

okay thanks, is it more to do with views that networks will accept u on or subs/likes?
okay thanks, is it more to do with views that networks will accept u on or subs/likes?
for network that only looks for views then, you might get accepted ;D. Some network looks at views, whereas some networks require a certain sub base.
I don't think you should join a network at this stage. Basically if you somehow join a network, you'll be earning close to nothing.

I'd wait till you get more subscribers and daily views!
try fullscreen and if that doesn't work for you then creator x is another alternative:)
Do you have an AdSense associated with your YT account?

yeah im associated from adsense but basically the reason i wanna associate with a network is 1.) because from what i know they pay more on a cpm basis than a cpc basis. 2.) they can help to grow your channel and offer custom banners