Advice for when you want to do another channel

Zach Werre

Well-Known Member
I have my current channel but I have an idea for another one that focuses on completely different topics. I want to try this new idea but I also don't want to stop working on my current channel because of the how far its come. I'm afraid that if I start a new channel I won't have enough time to work on my current one. Any advice you have in this situation is much appreciated.
I say go for it but if you find yourself in the weeds, take the time to set up a schedule. Or maybe even start right off the bat with a schedule so you don’t run into that problem. There’s no harm in trying it out though.
Moved to the strategy / technique forum.

My advice would be to concentrate on growing one channel before starting a second. :)
gotta try some random things to see what takes off. if you only ever do what youve always done then you will always get the same result. or as BA says: Let me tell you something, you may not win, but you never lose if you try. Nothing beats a failure, but a try! I Pity The Fool who won’t even Try!
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Well, I was the exact same, kind of. I had a "League Of Legends" channel with 1,500 subs, but they were purely there to watch League of Legends gameplay and when I grew tired of the game, I wanted to post some other videos such as World of Warcraft, CS:GO etc, but I got barely any traffic. I have since then deleted that channel entirely and created this new one from scratch so that I can upload different things and hope that I get people enjoying the gameplay for my humour or whatever. :) Only at 18 subs now though so I have a long way to go until I'm back to where I was haha. Fun!
At the beginning I started around 10 channels.
Basically I kept coming up with new ideas for channels and started them to see how I got on / what worked etc
I am currently uploading to 5 channels. My main one is 'EVO' and 90% of my effort goes there but I tickle the others along to keep them alive.