Advertising your channel :)


Them 4 YTTalkers
I'm just wondering how people advertise their channels ? :)

Obviously I use forums to advertise, but beyond that and social networks I feel there is a fine link between advertising and spamming and making it feel like you're trying to shove your content down someone's neck.

I'm just wondering :)
I just stick to the forums and social media at the moment. I only have one video due to deleting a load I wasn't happy with so am basically starting again so over the next year I will be heavily promoting as much as poss. Although I will stay away from spamming other peoples videos as I don't like that. Will be looking into other ways asap. I had a look at reddit and just thought wtf? haha. Maybe I am just getting too old for it lol
I've never used reddit it seems really complicated XD
Maybe I'm just a noob at it :)

IS it that complicated to use ?
LOL no not really. It just looks complicated. When its just as simple as YTtalk. You just need to learn about Sub-reddits and its really easy. Like I post my videos in r/leagueoflegends 'cause I do only LoL content
I just stick to the forums and social media at the moment. I only have one video due to deleting a load I wasn't happy with so am basically starting again so over the next year I will be heavily promoting as much as poss. Although I will stay away from spamming other peoples videos as I don't like that. Will be looking into other ways asap. I had a look at reddit and just thought wtf? haha. Maybe I am just getting too old for it lol
Yeah I think I'm content with the forums and social media I use now :)
But if I feel the need to I will expand :)[DOUBLEPOST=1388197425,1388197298][/DOUBLEPOST]
LOL no not really. It just looks complicated. When its just as simple as YTtalk. You just need to learn about Sub-reddits and its really easy. Like I post my videos in r/leagueoflegends 'cause I do only LoL content
You'll need to teach me or something lol XD
I'm still a bit confused about this shiznick XD
My methods are pretty conventional. I see people on the street and so I go up to them, kidnap them, and then force them to log onto their YouTubes and subscribe to me. Pretty normal, routine stuff but it works.
Nah I think that sounds pretty normal how I advertise is the controversial thing round here :)
Kidnapping is the norm for advertising in east of the UK XD
Yeah I think I'm content with the forums and social media I use now :)
But if I feel the need to I will expand :)[DOUBLEPOST=1388197425,1388197298][/DOUBLEPOST]
You'll need to teach me or something lol XD
I'm still a bit confused about this shiznick XD
Just go on Reddit and go to r/gaming or r/videos.
BTW when I say r/whatever the hell. Its the sub reddits name and you type in in the URL so I go to Reddit DOT com/r/leagueoflegends. And there should be other sub reddits for certain games you just gotta look for them. And when you're there just submit a post and make sure the "Subreddit" box is set for the sub reddit you want to post too. WARNING!!! Redditors HATE, and I mean HATE!! People who just use the site for advertising. So if you're gonna use reddit try and become part of the community first. Like with YTtalk.