Adding Twitter annotations in videos

I don't believe that you can add an external link to the annotations. I've tried this with my videos and it only allows things with the youtube domain.
Ahh right sorry but unless your a YouTube partner you can't use external links in videos, i know this sucks but you have to look at it from YouTube side people would have links all over the place and they could be anything.

Put your links in the dec and tell them to check you out most will, and always start your links with http://www. that way it will be loaded has a real link people can click not have to copy and paste :D

Real sorry about that but when you get more hits and stuff drop me a msg on here i know a few mates who have network's will see if we can get you partnered :D
Alright, man. Sounds good. Thanks for all your help!
Alright, man. Sounds good. Thanks for all your help!

Even when you are partnered you can only link to one external site that you set as your associated website in the channel settings. You have to verify that you own the domain though so even then you won't be able to annotate a link to your Twitter I'm afraid.

If anyone disagrees with any of this though I would very much like to hear of a workaround, social networking annotation links would be brilliant!
Even when you are partnered you can only link to one external site that you set as your associated website in the channel settings. You have to verify that you own the domain though so even then you won't be able to annotate a link to your Twitter I'm afraid.

If anyone disagrees with any of this though I would very much like to hear of a workaround, social networking annotation links would be brilliant!
Well, I know that if you create a redirect link, that'll work. I'd just rather not have to do that xD
As someone already pointed out, you can only send external links to a single domain tha you own, and you need to verify that ownership from your domain.
Redirects would be the best solution, but if you don't have an URL shortening engine in your domain or your CMS doesn't allow for an easy way to make them, you can try embedding those tweets in a page in your site.
I've installed YOURLS in my domain and I'm quite happy with it, but as a I said, if you want something easy and fast for just one time, <embed>