Adding as a Contact -organic/automated?


I often face the situtaion when someone adds me as a its supposed 2 be some sort of a soicalising fb type of frnd making act..but out of every 100 acts of adding me as a contact when i send a msg asking them to pm me back or give feedback or sub to my channel i receive hardly 2 replies authentic and humane. So niw im beginning 2 question the prganic nature ofthis act,i think 90 % of adding contacts are intended for gaining subscribers without asking dorectly and are done by Wares /tools of promotional purpose.
So it can be a spam.
I did a lot of sub 4 sub before realizing that yt considers it a spam. So if sub4sub is a spam..adding as your contact someone u dont know already and then not subbing to him/replying back despite being asked is a much bigger type of spam.b ut since only paid services or purchased tools do it yt considers it legitimate!!