Ad blockers?

f**k ad blockers if your using a adblocker and you monetize you content your a 2 faced ***** why should you make money but other website's and people not. As for family's safety teach them young whats safe and unsafe to click on the onlytime you run into bad ads is p**n, torenting or other adult related websites
Absolutely, call me what ever but if people have adblock and they watch my channel I have no problem with it, on the other hand my ads are enabled for people who don't mind ads and thus have no adblock
i have no adblockers on any of my family members system, my visitors have never complained about any ads on my system or my family's system i don't get whats so bad about having a few ads on the screen it pays for the websites and make's them free to view otherwise website's would go pay to use. As for youtube ads i don't think any family member of mine even the 4 year old clicks the ads even if they were my own 1-10 accidental clicks is nothing but if they clicked it 100 times you might have a issue. When your visitors and guests are using websites it's still the fact the sites should make a little cash off viewed content. Im not here to tell you how to run your systems im just letting you know how the systems i maintain work and run because my family understands that ad's help keep certain website's free to browse

Well, I'm glad you and your family understand the importance that ads play in maintaining websites free of charge. I understand this myself, but I'm not going to spend my time explaining this to my grandparents because they don't care. I've tried explaining this to some friends as well, but they don't care either. I mean, people who don't have a youtube channel might not care about the importance of ads, since they aren't affected by it, unless websites start charging, but until then, most people won't care. If people don't care then might as well take the necessary precautions i.e. use ad blockers. Like I said, I DON'T use ad blockers on my computer because I support other who make videos and know the importance of ads, but I can only speak for myself and not everyone thinks the same way so I'd rather prevent accidental clicks in my house. Clicks can add up. Like you said, a few clicks won't matter, but still not going to risk it. Even I have clicked on ads accidentally while trying to close the add, adding captions or changing the setting/resolution on vids. :D
This is why I'm using two browsers on my computer. I have one with an ad blocker and one without. When I review a video I posted or I'm editing somethings like annotations, captions etc. I use the browser with adblock so that I don't accidentally click on an ad.
When someone talks about webpages with ads, people in this forum automatically thinks about YouTube only, when there are thousands (if not millions) of webpages ad-funded, that won't work or be up if it weren't because of ads.

Facebook is one example. If every single person in the world run adblock, Facebook will go bankrupt, because the companies putting ads in their web would remove them, and Facebook won't have money for staying "alive", for example.

Adblock not only affects YouTube, it affects the whole www.

Myself and my friends (almost every person I know) are against adblock, because we understand the importance of the ads in the Internet.

There's no need of clicking ads. Just be careful where you put your mouse. That's all.
As ghostlyrich and SilentPlus have stated, ads go far beyond just YouTube, I have sites that have NOTHING to do with YouTube Related content, and those ARE supported by ads, now if EVERY Visitor was running Ad Block, well, I would literally watch my website sink and go in the red.

Sometimes I want to slap the Plugin Creators for Ad-Block, I mean, honestly MONEY makes the world go 'round and YouTube is a BUSINESS, thus it NEEDS Financial Funding to continue to offer content to users and companies alike.

I get it though people p**s and moan about "I hate ads, YouTube was better before Adsense!!" Yada Yada, INVESTORS saw great potential, GOOGLE saw potential, guess what google did before it purchased YouTube back in the day? SOLD ADVERTISEMENTS.

And honestly, I watch my own videos with NO AD BLOCK on, guess what, been partnered for over 2 years, I have 4 Personal Computers ALL hooked up to the internet with various people on them through the day, most people DON'T click the ads regardless.

So my 2 cents, AD BLOCK is a NO NO.