Accepted, but heard nothing else?

I'm actually going to through the exact same thing right now :) I was confused at first too! But yeah, apparently it takes a week or more to get it set up and everything.
Same here...pretty small channel so..I guess they're getting the bigger channels first hehe.

It's weird. I have been with other networks and have never had any trouble. This is the only network that hasn't been a smooth transaction and I am a little disappointed.
I can't see any revenue stats like I could with other networks, but I am still earning the network money!
It's weird. I have been with other networks and have never had any trouble. This is the only network that hasn't been a smooth transaction and I am a little disappointed.
I can't see any revenue stats like I could with other networks, but I am still earning the network money!

You can email fullscreen support about your concern. My experience with them is good and fast.
It's weird. I have been with other networks and have never had any trouble. This is the only network that hasn't been a smooth transaction and I am a little disappointed.
I can't see any revenue stats like I could with other networks, but I am still earning the network money!

Email and ask them to turn on your daily earning reports on youtube. That will enable all the revenue stats in your analytics.