A newbie with some ideas, help!


New Member
I have just started up on Youtube and have 3 videos up, I need my ideas need help and more thought/topics.

My ideas are ...
1. talking about something people / teens (I'm 16 so I can relate to these topics) care about
2. rant videos
3. something that I really like
4. special effects ( I am only 1 person, I wouldn't have a story to use the special fx with )

5. playing songs (still learning)
6. music videos
7. daily or weekly - vlog my day

other ideas??

So with 1 and 2, even though I'm a teen there are so many ideas + I can't think of them + would like my topic and thoughts on it to be unique.
3 - would be fine

4 - I can't think of a story with one person, so this makes it difficult
5, 6, and 7 - I'm not completely ready for yet

I need help thinking of topics that teens and/or people care about that I care about to. Also story ideas with 1 person if thats possible.

You're first choice talking about what people care about seems kinda boring bud maybe think of something more exciting