A lot of NEGATIVITY on YouTube at the minute :(

Best thing to do is ignore dislike used to bother me but not any more even famous people get them I have approval set on all my videos except 2 for the comments :)
Hey man don't sweat it. Think of it this way, you've got their attention, lol. Basically feedback is always good, even from abusive trolls. Its better to have had an effect on them, than for your videos be ignored altogether, if you put the effort in there will be people who love your stuff, just ride it out. :) If trolls take the time to stop and try and tear you down its usually jealousy that they cant do it themselves. Also If I watch a video that's good and it has some dislikes, I actually have more incentive to give it a like, to readdress the balance :D
Creatives will always beat trolls ;)
People who are bored & have no job , but LOTS of time to dislike , spam & troll do this types of sh!t ! I'd say block them or just ignore them, as KGATV said :) Don't let trolls run your videos or you !
Like the GTA 5 video! Whatever you do, don't even acknowledge the disliking on your videos, it will make people click dislike because you acknowledge them!
Ahh thanks a lot people! your comments are really uplifting and more than supportive! nice to see that YTtalk really is a place full of down to earth people! YouTube is the open water from here haha! i guess no matter where you go you will always find people to hate on you for something! as I say onwards and upwards![DOUBLEPOST=1369521576,1369521546][/DOUBLEPOST]Man the support is amazing from here. Thanks a lot. Seriously.
Ahh thanks a lot people! your comments are really uplifting and more than supportive! nice to see that YTtalk really is a place full of down to earth people! YouTube is the open water from here haha! i guess no matter where you go you will always find people to hate on you for something! as I say onwards and upwards![DOUBLEPOST=1369521576,1369521546][/DOUBLEPOST]Man the support is amazing from here. Thanks a lot. Seriously.
Yeah that's true people hate for no reason it's so dumb some people get hated for how they are born I want to change that I want to change the world
Sure is dumb! would be lovely for some people to get their heads out of the deep depths of their own backside xD but unfortunately some people are too stubborn to care what feelings other people have!
A lot of people are coming on to my videos purely to dislike them? I mean this is without even watching them.. its disgusting the behaviour of some people on YouTube, I make videos purely because I love it and purely because I like making people smile whether that's being funny, informative or just MYSELF. its just not fair people are quick to stand in the way of people doing well :/.

Never give up no matter what tries to stop you. You're better than that and as am I.

Welcome to the internet.