A historical(sorta) video of mine was taken off Youtube and I can't appeal.


New Member
How's it been? I'm new here, my name is Undeadmerc3. I'm one of those content creators that seems to make content at random based on random topics. One my more popular videos was based on an historical event during world war 2 called the the Nanking massacre which I had placed in age restricted mode voluntarily due to the subject matter. The reason being that the the massacre that is was based on wasn't really easy for the faint of heart. Those of you who wish to learn about this massacre, there is a documentary one the issue I recommend titled Nanking.

Back to the heart of the matter. I uploaded a video on the massacre titled "Nanking Massacre photos" which showed photos of the event exactly like the ones in the documentary above. In the discription I provided historical details on the massacre and the political debate between Japan and China regarding the complexity of the matter and how Japan has yet to fully apologize for it's roll during world war 2.

My video was well received, but all too often there were those on both sides of the debate on the massacre who took the issue too far. Some of which denied the massacre and others made aggressively hostile comments against the Japanese people as a whole. I knew that this was going to happen when I uploaded this video and knew that I would have to delete a few comments here and there which I did. In fact back when annotations were allowed on Youtube I clarified at the beginning with and annotation that denying the massacre or sugercoating it would get said comments removed.

The description of the video is as off followed:

I figured i'd do a picture video about the Nanking Massacre using music from Doom 64. For those of your who do not know the Nanking Massacre was a 6 week massacre that during the Second Sino-Japanese war after the fall of Nanking. The number of people that died during the massacre varies from depending on who you ask.
The number of people killed in the massacre varies from who you ask. It's difficult to determine how many people died during the massacre because A:the Japanese documents detailing the number of people killed were destroyed at the end of the war during a cover up, B:it wasn't untill long after the war when Japan was pressurized to apologize, and C:many people were also killed be Chinese Communists(when the Communists took over China) and also arguebly Chinese Nationalists(R.J. Rummel who is a political scientist in mass murder claims that Chinese Nationalists were no different, but I can't confirm that). It's difficult to clearfy the number of people who died during the war on one hand at the very least it could be as low as 5.4 million(R.J. Rummels statistic). On the other hand it could be as high as 20 million due to the large amount of photos of the atrocities(though that could be due to the shock over what Japan did. I' leave that up to you). China puts the death toll even higher at 35 million, though I consider Japans kill count to be somewhere inbetween 5 million to 20 million.
Japan hasn't fully apologized for it's wrongdoing for multiple reasons. One reason is due to the fact that it wasn't untill after the war when Japan was pressurized to apologize. Another reason is the fact that there are so many perspectives on the massacre making research difficult. There are multipe other reasons, but I figured those two pretty much hit the nail on the head:
For those of you who wish to leave comments please keep it clean. Any racist comments, denialism or sugercoated details will be deleted. That means no using the term Jap(with have evolved into a racial slur nowadays). I just want comments to be as clean as possible. I know that the Japanese were more brutal than the Nazis and the Soviets, but so were many Asian dictatorships. If you take look at the following webpages and you'll see that as bad as Japans wrongdoing was it was just one of many:
Music used in this video is Breakdown from Doom 64:

End of discription.

In all fairness, I did get a bit of criticism which I felt was justified for being accused of trivalizing the massacre by comparing Japans wrongdoing to other asian dictatorships which I did apologize for with a pinned comment. Normally I would post the apology comment here, but I can't access the comments from my video from Youtube Studio unfortunately.

One day I received a comment from a Japanese user who said that he would report my video while stating that it was in itself "based on a lie. Originally the comment was made in Japanese, but I managed to translate and it came of that way, however inconstant online translaters can get. I looked back and the comment was made on June 7th this year.

Just recently I realized that my video was unfairly removed for being "inappropriate" based on one individuals denial of the event. I tried browsing the content strikes on my channel and I found that none of them were there for me to contest this. I would like to know how to resolve this asap. Thank you. The video link here here, but it doesn't work as of now:

The comment is below and while I could normally click on it, and go to the person who issued the takedown, I sadly can't access it anywhere except my notification alerts. With that in mind I can't report the fellow for false flagging my video out of denialism.


Let me be completely clear. I did go out of my way to list my video in age restricted mode for a reason, as an compromise for uploading it. I've had my fair share of comments that I had to delete mostly denialists of the massacre and folks that stated that Japan should be wiped off the map via nukes.

I've seen videos with far worse subject matter and narratives get restored. This video which is about Unit-731 is far more provocative than my video and goes out of it's way being less a documentary and more of a exploitation film. This video I speak off is here:

My video even voluntarly had a age restricted warning an while the above linked video on Unit-731 is age restricted, it was taken down before and has far, far more views than my video on the nanking massacre. Some of the images in the Unit-731 video aren't even from the actually incident it's based on.

I've reported Rhawn Joseph's video(the uploader's name is said to be Rhawn Joseph) before to no effect even thought he allows people to make derogatory comments on his videos about Jaapns trouble making during world war 2 such as calling for genocide against them(many saying that Japan should be nuked more often which are the kind of comments I've removed from my video from time to time). That double standard along with the fact that mine was flagged only for the sake of denying that the Nanking massacre happened in the first place does no justice to this. Some of the photos in his documentary aren't even from the topic they are based on(one of his photos from his Unit-731 video was a photo of Ed Geins, the body snatcher's last victim).

Aside from advice on how or if I can get this restored, I would like someone, if they can. to see if they can translate the flagger in the image I posted above so I can take a look at his profile and see if it's worth reporting. Thanks.
The text in images cannot be copied to be placed into Google Translate, unfortunately. Is there a "deleted video" for this incident with a notice as to why in your Creator Studio? The reason I ask, is that usually when this type of takedown occurs, the creator is usually required to acknowledge the strike before he or she will be allowed to appeal. If you could also post a screen shot of the email you got announcing the takedown, it would be helpful.

I once saw a creator stubbornly refuse to acknowledge a strike saying "I haven't done anything wrong; why should I have to acknowledge this?" while I tried to explain that if she didn't acknowledge, YouTube wouldn't let her appeal.

From what I see in your post here, you may have been hit under the newly tightened "hate speech" rules (Tightened actually means broadened here as they are now targeting more than hate speech. The fact that your video concerned a massacre in wartime was what made it inappropriate, as YouTube is supposed to be a "family-friendly site".); which means your commentor may have had little to do with it. You also can't report someone for reporting you; there just isn't a parameter on the reporting form for this.

Unless you'd licensed the music from Doom 64 you used in your video, using that music was a TOS violation also. From the new Terms of Service which go into effect in July, here is an easier to read version of the rule. Ask me and I will also post the old version.

"If you have a YouTube channel, you may be able to upload Content to the Service. You may use your Content to promote your business or artistic enterprise. If you choose to upload Content, you must not submit to the Service any Content that does not comply with this Agreement or the law. For example, the Content you submit must not include third-party intellectual property (such as copyrighted material) unless you have permission from that party or are otherwise legally entitled to do so. You are legally responsible for the Content you submit to the Service. We may use automated systems that analyze your Content to help detect infringement and abuse, such as spam, malware, and illegal content."

I very much doubt you will be able to get the video restored.
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The text in images cannot be copied to be placed into Google Translate, unfortunately. Is there a "deleted video" for this incident with a notice as to why in your Creator Studio? The reason I ask, is that usually when this type of takedown occurs, the creator is usually required to acknowledge the strike before he or she will be allowed to appeal. If you could also post a screen shot of the email you got announcing the takedown, it would be helpful.

I once saw a creator stubbornly refuse to acknowledge a strike saying "I haven't done anything wrong; why should I have to acknowledge this?" while I tried to explain that if she didn't acknowledge, YouTube wouldn't let her appeal.

From what I see in your post here, you may have been hit under the newly tightened "hate speech" rules (Tightened actually means broadened here as they are now targeting more than hate speech. The fact that your video concerned a massacre in wartime was what made it inappropriate, as YouTube is supposed to be a "family-friendly site".); which means your commentor may have had little to do with it. You also can't report someone for reporting you; there just isn't a parameter on the reporting form for this.

Unless you'd licensed the music from Doom 64 you used in your video, using that music was a TOS violation also. From the new Terms of Service which go into effect in July, here is an easier to read version of the rule. Ask me and I will also post the old version.

"If you have a YouTube channel, you may be able to upload Content to the Service. You may use your Content to promote your business or artistic enterprise. If you choose to upload Content, you must not submit to the Service any Content that does not comply with this Agreement or the law. For example, the Content you submit must not include third-party intellectual property (such as copyrighted material) unless you have permission from that party or are otherwise legally entitled to do so. You are legally responsible for the Content you submit to the Service. We may use automated systems that analyze your Content to help detect infringement and abuse, such as spam, malware, and illegal content."

I very much doubt you will be able to get the video restored.
Thanks for the replay. Sadly, I wasn't given an announcement that the video was taken down. Instead, I was browsing my videos one day and I found it to be rejected.