• Please note that all milestone posts must not be of a promotional nature and must conform to the Milestones Forum Rules. All "almost" and "nearly" milestone threads are deleted.

800,000,000 views, 800,000 subs!

We've now passed 800 million views and 800 thousand subs! Special thanks to everyone here at YTtalk for being there for us! Onward and upward!
View attachment 34622

Awesome Congrats! Huge numbers!

I have a question. Were there certain milestones when you felt a change in more views and subs?

I thought when i hit 1,000 subs there would be a change but i dont think so. Just steady growth is what im feeling but no bump. Im almost hitting 500,000 views and im wondering if half million or 1 million views are milestones when youtube bumps your channel up a bit.
My daughter is quite a big fan of yours btw and was very impressed that I knew who you were. I told her you're on a forum I belong to and her eyes bulged with excitement. Don't think she quite understands what a forum is, shame.
Aw that's sweet, tell your daughter we said "hi" and thanks for watching!

Swoon! Can you tell me/us how long it took to get there? When did you see the biggest jump in numbers? What do you say to yourself when you upload a video and it instantly gets several thousand views? Congrats and hats off! And thanks for still hanging around us little people
We've been making videos for 6 or 7 years, but we started doing at least one video per week since September 2013. We started climbing most during summer of 2014 after we'd started Kid Candy Review in February of that year. We're still excited when a video does well!

Awesome Congrats! Huge numbers!

I have a question. Were there certain milestones when you felt a change in more views and subs?

I thought when i hit 1,000 subs there would be a change but i dont think so. Just steady growth is what im feeling but no bump. Im almost hitting 500,000 views and im wondering if half million or 1 million views are milestones when youtube bumps your channel up a bit.
Mostly it has been steady, I don't think there's a magic subs number that made a difference. What really makes a difference is having a hit video, because you get more than just the views from that one video, it helps lift your whole channel.

Thanks for all the kind words everyone!
That is definitely the biggest number that I have seen in my short life-span on these forums. You would've worked very hard to get where you are now and I respect that so much. Congratulations with how far you have gotten, keep on doing what you're doing because it's working wonders :)