45 Minutes in the Mind of Symph


I'm a dude with a face and I know how to use it.
I have completed my latest artistic endeavor, it is like a glimpse into my mind. If you ever wonder why I'm so weird, well listen to how infectious it feels in here. I'm bursting to the seams at all times, perhaps when you hear this you will burst too. The album is free but will be on bandcamp soon with the OPTION to pay me. (which would be sweet cause I'm brizoke like a dizjoke) but either way for anyone who wants it it's yours. This is the drop box link for now :)
Ima pay your butt when that option is out. You deserve all the KA-CHING..for creating music like this -.-
Reading the titles from top to bottom seems like a short story. The same can be said if you read from bottom to top.
Download this NOW people!
muhahahahaha I can't stop listening to it myself LMAO
Oh don't mind me, I'm just BUMPING this new album Symph made.....