Thanks! I've not really accomplished much in those four years. Around 17k views total.

Don't think of it that way. Think to yourself, "Do you know 17k people personally?" If not, then that is an accomplishment in itself. Your videos have been viewed 17,000 times. Look at all those zeros. Sure, comparatively to Smosh, or Ray William Idiot (I mean Johnson) that isn't a lot, but you can't compare yourself to anyone other than yourself. Think of how rewarding 17, 000 views are compared to when you uploaded your very first video and struggled to get your friends to view it and reach 100 views. You have now grown that by 170 times. Pretty impressive if you ask me. That's the way we try to look at it at the9one8. Of course we want the big numbers too, but getting there is what makes you who you are on this media format. Take it as a MAJOR WIN!!!;)