200x More Views Than Subscribers


I Love YTtalk
I have just over 200x video views compared to subscribers. I have 36 subscribers, and almost 8k video views.

I want to know, how can I convert a view into a subscriber?

I always see channels like mine, with hundreds of subscribers, with even a tenth of the video views I have. So how do they get so many subscribers with so many less views than me?

What's the best way to get subscribers, in any way?

How can I make my videos more likely to get the viewer to subscribe?

How can I get more subscribers in general?

How can I get more subscribers faster?

Thank you for the help!
Put in little reminders with annotations and and outro at the end, you can even through it in an intro.
If people like your videos they will subscribe, asking like favorite sub in every video puts people off. Your viewers will respect you, if you don't treat them like idiots by telling them to subscribe and begging for likes.
I have x114 more views than subscribers. 50k subs, roughly 5.7m views.

So we're pretty much in the same boat.

The ratio however isn't a very good way to measure "subscription rate". Viral videos or those that appear in search for example will have much worse view to sub rates.

To increase sub rates, I would recommend giving people a *reason* to subscribe. Awesome content that teases there will be more = the best.
I think you are looking at it from the wrong angle. In the end of the day having X number of subs does nothing to your channel, it is only a number. What you really should care about are the views, so it is good that you are gaining views and for the moment forget about your subs.