100+ subs but not getting the views

You need to take a look at how low in views some of my videos can get. It can really screw with your mind because all your mind WANTS to think is "All those people didn't want to see me, they chose to ignore me" And yeah, that really could be the case for many of them. It usually isn't for all of them at all though. Some people don't sign into youtube the day you upload, some people forget abotu the highlights button, some people meant to watch your video later and forgot, like, I know I'm a broken record here, but don't expect more than about a third of your subs in view return. If it's less than that yeah... well I mean, that's kinda below average if it's less than a 3rd, but still not totally uncommon. Also, different videos of yours will get different amounts of views it's just the youtube way.