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1,000 SUBSCRIBERS!!! I Got A Shout Out!


Well-Known Member
Hey YTTalk!
Yesterday was a crazy day for me and my channel,I started off yesterday with 989 subscribers and now I have 1,009 subscribers! I was live streaming and a viewer who watched my videos a long time ago gave me a shout out! At first I did not think much of it but quickly 50 new viewers came and 20 subscribed! I am so blessed getting this shout out and if somebody reading this is one of my subscribers I wanna say thank you so much! I never thought I would pass 10 subscribers and the only time I thought I could get 1,000 subscribers was in my favorite dreams! Anyways I'm not just here to make people jealous, I have been doing YouTube for over 5 years and the point i'm trying to get across is to not give up! Everyone will have their time to shine so don't think to quit YouTube because one day you will get to what ever your subscriber goal is if you continue working for it! :) <3
Wow! I just checked out your channel and I saw how amazing it is! I really enjoyed watching your videos! Keep up the good work bro you defiantly deserve more then 1k subs! You deserve.... 1 MILLION SUBS!
Maybe one day we could do a collab because I have 810 subscribers! We could both gain subs from each other because we each have a lot! If you want to colab add me on skype and we could talk more about it! dnb44444