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1,000 Subs!!!

Congratulations! I've checked out your channel you have definitely been working hard to get your channel to where it is! I see you have a few videos that got thousands of views, did you create certain videos because you knew they would be successful or were you just lucky?? Also what was your growth like? Slow and steady or did it just start growing a lot at a certain point?

Congrats from me also. That is really big. Well done.
Hi and congratulations on your 1000 subs:up2:Great job.
Nice professional looking channel you got there. Looks like you have put a lot of work into that so you deserve the 1000 subs. Congrats once again and great job:)
congrats! I can't wait for my son to hit 1k subs
Thank you! :)
Fantastic mate!
Im at 600 and desperately want 1000! I think I would have already been there if I had not had 2 young kids and wife lol. Jokes! Ive been flat out with work and being sick lately. Just invested in some new equipment and yet to use it.
How much time do you put in per video and whats the next milestone your looking towards? At the moment im gaining around 5 subs a day consistently so if that holds true I willbe at 1000 in 80 days. Did your subs track similar or did it compound quickly increasing day by day. Thanks mate fot sharing your time and congrads again!

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Thanks for the congratulations! And honestly it depends on the type of video I'm doing - if it's one where I'm doing a couple of different shots, do voiceovers, or add graphics, it'll usually take a couple of hours to film, and another couple to edit. So probably around 5 total! If it's a sit down video, it usually takes about 30 minutes to film and an hour or so to edit. As for subs, it really fluctuates! Some days I'll get a surge of subs (10-15) and others I'll only get a couple. Once I started getting closer to 1,000 it felt like it went a lot faster! Good luck!![DOUBLEPOST=1488501570,1488501397][/DOUBLEPOST]
Congratulations! I've checked out your channel you have definitely been working hard to get your channel to where it is! I see you have a few videos that got thousands of views, did you create certain videos because you knew they would be successful or were you just lucky?? Also what was your growth like? Slow and steady or did it just start growing a lot at a certain point?

Thank you! Honestly those videos I didn't to do as well as they did! I had a couple of subscribers ask questions about certain things so I tried to make videos answering their questions, and I love to do DIY videos and that one ended up doing really well! I've noticed that my college videos seem to be doing really well lately so I've started to film a lot of those. At first my growth was slow and steady but I noticed when I hit around 700 or so my channel started to grow faster!
Thanks for the info. I think Im tracking similar to you then, which is reassuring. This is why its really helpful and thoroughly appreciated when youtubers like yourself share these milestones with the YTT community. Thank you!

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Thanks so much for your response! Yes your university videos definitely seem to be doing well so that is a smart strategy. I have noticed in general that dorm tours and dorm haul videos seem to do really well on youtube so it's great that you've been able to tap into that!
Congratulations. I honestly can not wait to achieve that milestone. That's going to make me wanna post 25/8;) but anyways good luck with the rest of your YouTube Journey.:)
I finally made it to 1,000 subscribers! I can't believe that I finally made it to this milestone - I feel like I've been working towards it forever! This definitely is pushing me to try and post more regularly again and interact with my subscribers even more. But for now - celebration!!! :dance:

Congrats! Closing in on this milestone myself, so I can imagine how you feel! What's your best advice for those trying to get where you are?