- Working With Brands on YouTube
[*]YouTube Algorithm Hacks in 2021
Still planning what this month's meeting will be about. These are the 3 key topics I was looking into:
Let me know if there is a particular topic that jumps out at you and I'll do my best to focus on that topic.
- YouTube Algorithm Hacks in 2021
- Working With Brands on YouTube
- Making Money on YouTube
The next session will be next Wednesday the 26th at 7pm ET.
We currently meet once a month but I'm trying to find something to do as a group during the mid month times to for example doing a deep channel review for one of the members or helping with something someone was having issue with.
I'm also going to be writing notes about what we talked about and send out recaps for people who weren't able to attend. Hopefully they will see it as something useful and want to join future sessions.