stop motion

  1. Sketch30Films

    "The Thumb Tacks Attack!!" Stop Motion Video

    On my channel Sketch30Films I have delved into stop motion animation. it's not the most fun process, but if done with enough time and effort you can make some pretty interesting things. Using nothing more than some thumb tacks (push pins) and a cork board, I was able to create something really...
  2. Shipyard Club

    Camera for Stop Motion Animation

    I'm thinking about doing some stop motion animation, but my phone camera shows the figures blurry. Any suggestions and recommendations for a decent (and cheap) camera to use?
  3. Shakycow

    Barbie's having a Paranormal Activity (stop motion)

    Uh-oh! It looks like Barbie stayed up too late watching scary movies and is having another nightmare. Hopefully you'll enjoy this and the rest of my stop motion animated videos.