
  1. Art Maurick Melgar

    Vlog Looking for small vloggers

    I am a small vlogger who just started out at youtube and I am looking for other small vloggers to have a give and take support system
  2. tonyphan

    How Long Your Intro Should Be?

    I'm just starting Vlogging on Youtube recently and I have around 10-12 seconds for my generic intro appearing on all vlogs at the beginning. Some tell me that the intro should only be around 5 or 6 seconds. So what do you guys think? Is 5 or 6 seconds enough for your intro? I'd also love to...
  3. malen

    Am I the only one?

    Hey there guys, it's me Maryline, 18 from the Philippines and there are a lot of stuff that stops me from regularly uploading videos... but the number one is the slow internet connection. and by slow... I mean SLOOOOOOOOOW... It takes me 10hrs to upload a 15min part of a shortfilm. if you are...