
  1. Niya

    Comedy Looking to do a collab w/ another small youtube!!!

    Honestly not looking for anything specific but someone funny. Check out my channel and let me know if you are interested!!! <3
  2. Acemaster_

    Gaming looking for new energetic youtubers!

    Hi and i'm guessing you came here because you want to grow your channel, or because you want some people to play with and enjoy the recording experience more. if yes we already have something on common. i am not a very big youtuber i just started and am combing twitch and youtube. if you want to...
  3. G

    Gaming Comedic Gaming Collaborations

    Hey guys, I'm GamesLikesFraschy, I now have 67 subs and an elgato to record gameplay on my PS4, Ive been working on videos and getting better at editing, I really wanna get more people to collab on funny moments videos on GTA, Fortnite, Rainbow Six Siege, Battlefield, and Call of Duty. My group...
  4. iRyan

    Gaming Looking for Loyal Committed YouTubers for Yogscast Style Channel.

    We're looking for a (possibly multiple) committed experienced high quality gaming youtuber to be the final puzzle piece of our YouTube channel Pop! Pop! Pop is a fun multiplayer gaming channel starting 23rd July 2018. The Pop Podcast is a fun laidback podcast hosted by me (Ryan) and Tom the...
  5. E

    Gaming Looking for team mates / collabs for PS4

    Have a group called FiYa that enter PS4 Tournaments for Fortnite and call of Duty (Mainly Fortnite). anyone interested in joining or collabing for fun or just a tournament?
  6. Q142

    Gaming Looking to collab, any size youtuber welcome (xbox)

    Looking for people who are fun, No high pitched voices hahaha, I play a big variation of games, I also have game pass so can play anything on that, im new to youtube but am constantly trying to improve, if you want to check out my channel its: Q142 Please reply on here or add my on xbox:Q142
  7. curlyhairedfreak

    Gaming Looking for members for a funny gaming group.

    I'm looking for pc gamers who don't care about doing well in games so much as having fun and laughing. I/we Play CS:GO, Fortnite, TF2, Raft, etc. Requirements: - Don't be a try hard - Be fine with swearing - Don't be offended by basically anything - Don't be too shy - Have a good time Discord...
  8. D

    Gaming Looking To create a Streamer/Gamer Group.

    Hello, i have recently started a twitch channel where i am playing a mixture of games. i am looking into having a server filled with streamer/youtubers where all content creators can collaborate with one another. If possible i am going to create a second channel with some people where we can do...
  9. Unearned

    xbox one/ pc looking to collab with other youtubers.

    I am 13 and looking for other gaming youtubers to upload with. I have a pc but mostly use my xbox one. Lookin for 13+ to collab and have fun with. I have mostly free games on pc and GMOD. On xbox i have games like rainbow six seige titanfall 2 friday the 13th Mortal kombat saints row 4 watch...
  10. Michael Masters

    Video Review- Tell Better Stories

    Please review my video based on these 4 criteria: 1. Does the title spark your curiosity? 2. Did the first 10 seconds hook you? 3. What is one word you would use to describe the video? 4. Would a complete stranger enjoy this? Thank you for your critique!!
  11. Jitter Flicks


    We had a lot of fun today just doing what we do on a daily basis.
  12. G

    Other Collab 14K followers on twitter

    Hey! My name is Gabe and if you want to collab for you YT channel send me DM on Twitter. "@GabrielBurruel" we can grow together. We can do challenge, tags, games, Etc. Just send me DM on Twitter and u propose
  13. L


    This is a fun new gaming channel that will feature FUN & INTERESTING streams, gameplay walk throughs, funny clips, and more videos filled will unresisting enjoyment. Help the channel get to 1000 subscribers, The channel is LegendM7 Gaming here is the link...
  14. Syd the Squid

    100 Subscribers!

    Hey my dudes! I finally hit 100 subscribers last night! I'm super excited to have finally hit this milestone! I guess I've been doing something right! I can't wait to see how much this channel will grow!
  15. Elina Elita


    Omg! It's so amazing that I did it! I just need to do much more. Anyways.. I'm so new here. Hi everyone! I wanted to share this awesome thing that happened to me lol
  16. mikep4441

    Gaming Need Youtubers for Group Gaming Sessions (Xbox One)

    What up guys, IAmMike is my Youtube, I am a fairly new channel. I am Male, 23 years old & game almost every night... Me & a few other Youtubers get together on Xbox one most nights to record some funny game clips and streams, always looking for more to join in because the more the merrier...

    Just Glue It, episode #1 - New interactive YT Gameshow, thingy

    We invite you to participate in this all new channel idea, although it has just began, it is off to a good start and would appreciate your tips and advice in making it better!
  18. R

    Looking For Movie/TV Show Reviewers!

    Hey everyone! I am looking for Movie/TV Show Reviewers to help out on a new website I have created - If you enjoy writing reviews as a hobby, then this is definitely for you! Although you won't be paid (this isn't a business, it's just a hobby for myself too - advertising on...
  19. Jevan Simmons

    Family and Fitness

    Family time and fitness: There is 24 hours in a day and family time can be important. But your fitness is important as well. Incorporate your family in fitness and take advantage of your surrounding!!
  20. PhysicsFreak101

    Gaming PC Gaming Group!

    Hey, it's PhysicsFreak here making a gaming group. Some of the main games we play are : Minecraft Human : Fall Flat Fortnite Other Indie Games Most of the stuff we do is pretty layed back, and not very competitive. To join you have to have 100 subscribers on YouTube, or 100 followers on Twitch...
  21. CrunchyTvYT

    Gaming Xbox Fortnite

    Does anyone want to collab on YouTube Fortnite? I Xbox one and im hoping to make a video that will do very well
  22. KidssFunn

    Mixing all my Play Doh together!! I think it is FUN!

  23. Dante Gaming

    Gaming Funny Moments Group (Xbox,PC)

    I'm looking to create a funny moments group that is passionate about YouTube We have only a few members and are looking to expand XBOX AND PC 1) You need to be funny 2) Good thumbnails 3) have quality videos 4) Good Channel art 5) Consistent 6) 100+ subscribers If you fit all of these, link...
  24. FloFloBear

    Why build a snowman, when you can build a snowbear?

    It snowed so we had to go out and make a snowbear, which is similar to a snowman, but more rawr. Here's a super silly video! Thanks for watching and I hope you enjoy! ʕง•ᴥ•ʔง
  25. Jake Burton

    Vlog Anyone Fancy Doing A Big UK Vlogger Meet Up

    Hey Guys, Everyone on here is always looking for someone to collaborate with because it all helps succeed in what we all want to do, YouTube. So if there is anyone out there that is feeling that it would all be a good idea to have a big meetup somewhere in the UK that is a reasonable place for...
  26. Abdullahx9000

    Gaming FUN PC Collab (More Details In Post)

    Hey there, I am Abdullahx9000 I only play games for FUN and looking for other YouTubers who has the same interests. Games I play: Rainbow Six Siege PayDay 2 MineCraft OverWatch Other fun games Here is my minimum Requirements: Around my subscriber count (600) (Can be ignored on certain...
  27. Sibernethy

    Gaming Looking for Youtubers that know what they're doing (500+ subs) (PC) (High-quality)

    Hi there! I've noticed that when looking for collaborations, one of two groups are dominant here: new Youtubers and big Youtubers. But what about the intermediates like me? People who have an audience but are still working towards their first 1000 where the magical pot of proverbial gold is and...
  28. Billy Bob Vlogs

    Vlog 6.2K Subscriber Channel looking for collaborators Virginia Beach Boardwalk

    My name is Johanna, I like vlogging, camping, bushcraft, beach activities especially metal detecting. Preferably I'm looking for another female to collaborate with in a video or videos, and vice versa. Check out my channel, contact me through my youtube channel.
  29. Novainfusion

    Pantheon top Destroys Gangplank (ranked platinum game)

    Hi all once again novainfusion here. Yesterday i destroyed this gangplank top. I wanted to share this with you guys. Have fun watching. Leave a Like, Comment or Subscribe. All Support Is Welcome :) Thanks for watching have a nice day.
  30. Bit More Pixel

    Roast Another Gaming Channel (what is your first impression)

    Hello YTtalk Members, I want you to help me to get my Channel better in terms of visualisation and enjoyness. There are thousends of channnels like mine and its hard to bypass one or another. I am more the Retro Gamer, thats why it calls Pixel :). Tell me the first impression that you get, when...