150 subs

  1. Tyler Kelley

    Hitting 150 - Hoping For 250 Before The End of Next Month!

    Hi everyone! I am at 149 so hopefully gonna hit that 150 mark very soon and hopeful that before the end of next month I can achieve my goal of 250!! I make funny gaming videos and post videos on Mon & Fri as well as livestream Wed & Thur so if you want to help support my channel and/or collab...
  2. DudeitsNeely

    20,000 Channel Views and 150 Subs!!!!!!!! Im coming for you 1,000 SUBS!

    SO my Channel is about a few things, Mostly entertainment/comedy. We have weekly sketches, Weekly fun Debates, and A weekly show that can consist of whatever. Recently Ive changed the format to this new format, When I got around the 100 subs mark I took a break. Which was a huge mistake. But now...