Zoomin TV Partnership Bad Or Good Idea


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Does anyone know if zoomin TV networks is a good network to partner with? The reason i am asking is because it seems too good to be true. Their Payout rate is an 80/20 spilt and they have almost noi requirements. So is it a good idea to partner with them? Also their contract is only 1 year long.

My channel is based mostly on gaming videos and i post almost daily, i make about 7,000+ a month.

Thanks for the help everyone!
There is literally no point in partnering with an MCN anymore. If you were to join one now, you would be labeled as an affiliate. Basically, that means that you get almost none of the perks that you would get with an MCN with only 60% of the revenue that you would earn partnering straight with youtube. Most MCNs have become so big now that they don't have the time or resources to help out all the smaller channels. I'd just partner straight with youtube and use a google adsense account if I were you.
yea but the problem is that i make gaming videos and it illegal to make money from gaming videos because of the copyright, so i have to partner with a network in order to make my content legal or make any money
That is not true at all. That was just a rumor that was passed from group to group until it became "fact". If enough people say it, it must be true, right? :p If you don't believe me, check out Farfromsubtle. They get tons of views and they are not partnered with anyone.
ok i mean it could be true but i dont think that it would be worth taking the chance and even maybe lose your channel if that rumor is wrong. Not to mention when i did try to make money from one of my videos i was give a strike and had to take it down in less than 20 min of it being up.
No, dude, it's not true at all. It's just a rumor. In fact, if you were with an MCN you would have gotten that strike regardless. All the videos go through the same process. The perk of being with an MCN is that you could instantly monetize your videos. Now, only managed partners can do that. So, anyone who is an "affiliate" which would be you since you have a smaller channel, and anyone partnered straight with youtube have to go through the same review process to get your content monetized.
You see, the way it used to work, is if one channel got a copyright strike the whole network got a strike. Now, if you're an affiliate if you get a strike, it's totally on you. The MCNs have no incentive to help you now, and they don't have the resources to either. Don't buy into fear my friend. It won't get you very far. Also, I've been told by personally by a large youtuber by the name of Jogwheel that it is just a rumor. Hate to say it, but you've been fooled.
So your telling me that I can make money off all 300+ of my gaming videos that have a voice over on them with out having to get copyright strikes?
So your telling me that I can make money off all 300+ of my gaming videos that have a voice over on them with out having to get copyright strikes?

Monetized or not, you will get copyright strike when the claimer issues take down notice on your videos.. so it doesn't even matter if you're making money of it or not.
So your telling me that I can make money off all 300+ of my gaming videos that have a voice over on them with out having to get copyright strikes?

No, not all of them . Some companies are against Let's Playing. For instance, I wouldn't worry about Nintendo or Sega videos. But yeah, you'd get a copyright strike regardless of if you monetized them. I haven't got a strike before, but I have gotten a third party claim on videos that I haven't monetized.
Also, you're in luck. If you look at Rockstar's copyright terms, it clearly states that they don't mind Let's Plays at all. They just don't want pure cutscenes. So, go ahead and monetize those man. A word of warning though, you get paid for every 1000 views. So only monetize if you're making at least 1,000 views every week to week and a half.
Best of luck with your channel!
Does anyone know if zoomin TV networks is a good network to partner with? The reason i am asking is because it seems too good to be true. Their Payout rate is an 80/20 spilt and they have almost noi requirements. So is it a good idea to partner with them? Also their contract is only 1 year long.

My channel is based mostly on gaming videos and i post almost daily, i make about 7,000+ a month.

Thanks for the help everyone!
If you honestly need a partnership, then Zoomin.TV/Curse would be the way to go. They are the only 2 networks i'd recommend at the moment.

Zoomin.TV gives a 3 month trial contract, then it goes into a 1 year contract. At which time, (in the 3 months) you can look f0r better offers.

Curse offers: 90% revenue share, High CPM, No-lockin contracts, and standard features.

Good luck!