Posting Mad!
Today I've noticed one of my videos on my second channel was flagged inappropriately as "Not suitable for all advertisers". The video is unlisted, so it's an automatic trigger. Not a big deal I thought - It happened to me before for several videos. Later I found that it was because some word in the description meant something inappropriate in some random language (not English), the system flags the videos automatically as not suitable for advertisers. Anyway, I have requested manual review for such videos in the past and they were with restored monetization sometimes in less than 24 hours, with max of 3 days. But this is not the case anymore. I requested manual review for the video, only to be greeted by this message:
For me this is a new low in YouTube's monetizing strategy that will randomly demonetize thousands of low performing videos for no reasons and without any possibility to re-appeal them. And people were mad with the 10,000 views before monetization rule. This rule is even worse. Oh well, now I have a new feature in the creator studio - to list the "Limited or no ads videos".
Screenshots attached for clarification.
For some reasons this super-duper awesome feature to list the Limited or no ads videos is not yet available on my main channel, but yeah, its most probably coming there as well.
Edit. My mistake - it's 1100 views per month not 30K.
With this message - good luck in getting a flagged video monetized unless it is doing really well - i.e. 1100 views/month. I wish 10% of my videos were that good.Right now we are only able to review videos with at least 1,000 views in the past 28 days. We'll review your video once it reaches that threshold.
For me this is a new low in YouTube's monetizing strategy that will randomly demonetize thousands of low performing videos for no reasons and without any possibility to re-appeal them. And people were mad with the 10,000 views before monetization rule. This rule is even worse. Oh well, now I have a new feature in the creator studio - to list the "Limited or no ads videos".
Screenshots attached for clarification.

For some reasons this super-duper awesome feature to list the Limited or no ads videos is not yet available on my main channel, but yeah, its most probably coming there as well.
Edit. My mistake - it's 1100 views per month not 30K.
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