Youtube vs Adsense Question


I've Got It
I'm starting to make a daily average income, but I'm still trying to understand Adsense. Do I pay attention to my Adsense daily total earnings, or my YouTube ad revenue earnings under Revenue Reports?

My total earnings under performance reports on Adsense seem to match my Ad Rate earnings on YT so it's making me question if YT has taken their cut yet or not from that number.

Hopefully that makes sense, if not I can provide photos.
Where are you seeing Adsense daily earnings?

I only ever see YT daily earnings.. And a monthly actual earned report from Adsense.
You could see daily earnings on adsense as well, but those earnings are from everything else except youtube, as said, youtube only do monthly earnings on adsense, and will update every 15th.
While daily earnings from everything else shows in adsense, but will add up and you will get the money at the end of the month!
Where are you seeing Adsense daily earnings?

I only ever see YT daily earnings.. And a monthly actual earned report from Adsense.

In adsense under Performance Reports.
Wrong. You can follow daily earnings from YouTube in your AdSense account as well. Actually it is faster than waiting for YouTube analytics to update.

So which one is more accurate? My numbers are different on vs. on