Youtube video ideas


Okay, so I am wanting to make more videos but cannot think of new ideas,
Vlog/talking to the camera style videos,
any ideas welcome
Look Around. Talk about Current Events. That's a thing where. if the video is made well, and valid points, youll get views!
I've moved the thread to the video ideas forum. :)

There's a lot you can do: tutorials, rants, humour...
I know it's a bit boring, but if you really can't think of something to do, you can always do tags and challenges to fill the spaces in between ideas. There are... so many out there, and people do enjoy watching them, especially if you do them with a friend.
I recommend doing some kind of vlogs about technology and about current news in the gaming world. My friend has this idea for his YouTube channel, and it has worked fairly well for him.
When random things pop into my head during the day, I save them on my phone. When I am not sure what I want to record, I collect a few of the random things and make a video about them. Also, I stay up to date on waaaaay too many vlogging channels, and I look to them for inspiration.