youtube video deletion, consequences ?


New Member
I started in January 2020 with my youtube channel and got up to 40 k views (per day) in 3 weeks, unfortunately a few seconds of my videos where copyrighted. I deleted 3 of my 4 videos and uploaded them without copyright issues again.
My question is: I deleted so many views very fast, can my channel recover from this loss? Is there any penalty, because the videos got recommended like crazy... ?

Thank you for your answer.
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I remember reading about it on this forum,,,,, dont remember where :( ,,,have deleted about 20vids my self a while ago during channel name/topic change,,,whats done is done,,,,,,enjoy your new hobby,,,,,,,,,whats the channel name?
In december of 2019 i had to delete about 20 videos from my Channel (half of all videos that i have). And i lost 5mil views as well. I noticed, when i deleted them, my Channel started being recommended like crazy for the next few days. After that it stabalized, and was recommended as usual. So in my case it was even good to delete these videos. No penalty from youtube of course.