YouTube punishes me for Sex- & Casino Bots!


New Member
Hi guys,

I've had a huge problem for 1.5 years now and YT Creator Support can't help me....

I noticed about a year ago that for half a year now, no advertising revenue has been recorded on my main livestreams.
Despite excellent ad-friendly, family-friendly-content, no policy violations or copyright infringements whatsoever.
Green monetization icons everywhere with the note "no restrictions" as far as ads are concerned....
When looking at the CPM of the corresponding stream it was clear why, it is simply set to "-", i.e. not available.

Creator Support pointed out to me at that time that "too many invalid hits" were registered on the corresponding livestreams. Therefore, the advertising was switched off completely.
This was first a huge shock, because I was also told through the flower that I myself would ensure that bots or friends / family / etc. have clicked on the ads and I would thus ensure myself to generate more clicks and advertising revenue. None of this is true!

But if you run a livestream channel on YouTube, you will quickly notice that the live chat is used by sex and casino bots to advertise their illegal sites.
Here is just a small excerpt of my banlist:


Almost HALF of all bans are bots who want to bring their Sch**** in my live chat among the people. Sometimes they have dozens of times the exact same account name.
I now have more than 20 moderators who permanently control the chat - there is ALWAYS someone in the chat, even at night, to ban these bots immediately.
I have told the YT Creator Support about it and explained that these bots abuse my channel or my Liv-Chat, thus harming the channel as a whole and YT also turns off my advertising because of these bots.
So I am still being punished for these bots abusing my channel and spamming with their garbage.

As you know, advertising revenue is extremely important for a creator to be able to operate the channel at all.
With expenses that have been 5 figures in the last 2 years alone, a channel can't even sustain itself under these conditions if it doesn't have a sponsor - I'm that lucky. But I don't know how long!
So the channel alone is not viable at all and will die, despite several million people enjoying my content!
Because of bots! Bots that I do not want to have, that harm my channel and because of which I now have no advertising revenue for 1.5 years!

I'm speaking out of desperation - also because of these answers from Creator Support:

(german: All say that they can not help)

It's a problem in YouTube's system and no one can do anything about it.
My channel will exist only as long as there is a sponsor - after that, †††.

YouTube itself can't help me. I just hope that the topic will end up in YouTube's "to-do list" at some point.
Maybe there will be other livestreamers who have this problem. Maybe together we can do more. Feel free to contact me...