Youtube Patience


Patience is an important quality to have on youtube and in life as well. Many youtubers are so desperate to get partnered,views,subscribers and what you need to learn is all of that will come over time. You spamming those couple of videos everywhere isnt going to get you famous (In most cases at least). I used to be the same way but over the small amount of time ive been on youtube ive learned very quickly that fame doesnt happen over night.If you have good content and quality videos everything will fall in place eventually.People are so quick to take the first deals they get offered and a lot of times it isnt the always "greatest" deal so to speak. As they say "Good things come to those who wait." You joining that network doesnt necessarily mean "This is your ticket to the top" Im telling you now, dont let desperation out weigh your patience because it will lead to your own downfall. Even if your not partnered,even if your not getting those tons of views every video keep doing what you do best. Its only a matter of time before its your turn to shine in the spotlight. Just something to think about.
Wouldn't it be funny if the people on this forum turn into the big ships in YouTube's harbor? That would be a great community growth.

I completely agree with you, YT takes time.
that's be pretty awesome actually! and everyone on this site has the potential to do so! There's a lot of great content and content providers here
I reckon I'm doing ok without pushing my channel much (well folks at yttalk have helped out greatly :thumbsup2:) 750+ veiws since I started back in June. I figure Youtube to be like a snowball, give it a push and it'll grow, and in time it will grow on its own as long as your still giving the little pushes.
Wise words there man. I think if you're only on Youtube to make the monies, then you're doing it for the wrong reasons. First and foremost, it should be something you enjoy and have fun doing. That's what I think anyways. :)