YouTube Original Usernames


YTtalk Mad
Hello there :)
I'm going to start a discussion regarding original YouTube Usernames, as it has been my hobby collecting them since 2010. I just feel more natural when my name is "Broly" and not "XxBrolyxX".
I'm quite disappointed on how YouTube doesn't allow you to reclaim inactive/closed/terminated usernames anymore. I mean, these are wasted or are the past already, So they should let you be able to get them.Or atleast YouTube Partners should have been able to reclaim them, like in 2010 and 2011.
What do you think? And maybe perhaps i can find another person with original YouTube username on here too =]
Yeah, I'd feel much more professional if my username was just Socotra, but I had to add on the HD. I'd much rather have a singular word than xxSoc0trAxzx12. It's just a lot more appealing!
Yeah, I'd feel much more professional if my username was just Socotra, but I had to add on the HD. I'd much rather have a singular word than xxSoc0trAxzx12. It's just a lot more appealing!

That's true. Most of the time even your original thought of names, are already taken and not used or closed aswell.
to show you originality my name only came up 7 times so i picked the 8th one lol ... oh god ... i`m pathetic hahahahahahahahahaha
I think the problem can only get worse, it doesnt surprise me people buying and selling them when theyre just as hard to get as a decent domain name these days. Over the next five years I think you will see hardly anyone with a decent username unless they do something about it. I wish they went with my beliefs to do with usernames and that is if the person hasnt used their account in X amount of time then why cant someone else use it in the future. I believe the exact same thing about usernames on here too, say a member signed up as Peter in 2012 and never come back after making several posts, after 1 year or so of not being active I would glad rename their account and give the username to someone who is active, I would rather keep active people happy than someone who is most likely never coming back.
well isn`t youtube doing something like that ? i think totalbisket did that as well ... the name already was on youtube but the owner didn`t use it in a very long time ... then TB contacted youtube and they gave the name to him ... and its a greate ideea bcuz the head akes i get even to amke a acount on soma pages its umbareble people making acounts and just abandoning them its just a waste of logic ... you can easaly go click erase acount when ya finished with it and so give a oportunity to others if they think of the same name ...
I hate this, it took me 3 weeks to put a name, and the names I wanted were inactive closed. I 1st wanted FluxViper but then no, and then all these names until I found ToxicGallagher. It is a pian too because some one has toxicgallagher as their twitter name :S
i don`t really think that would be a good ideea bcuz there are more ways to get a inactive name just try to ge tin contact with the web page staff and try to reason ... if it doesen`t work only THEN go kill the dude and take his name lol jk