Youtube name, Youtube existence , Youtube popularity....

The title is pretty small to contain all my fellings i got in this moment. Im a youtuber with a partnership. What im doing? Well...minecraft videos , horror games gameplay. Still...i got many question in my head wich i cannot respond , explain.... What name should i take so i could be something special, something to be remembered? What type of person should i be in my videos to atract many people? Will i succed in becoming something on youtube or my dream will be crushed? I really need u guys, i do hard....because this will affect my verry deep youtube "essence" and will power me either to give away everything and go play games like a common gamer or be something special...

What i was thinking was to change my channel name to "TheMadOrange" and make myself a verry sweary guy ( like that i lot to swear a lot ) and play ALL GAMES in hardest dificulty ever...not saying gonna finish them, just that i will do the hardest mode possible! ( especially horror games ) Now...i don't think this is a great ideea but i need your opinions...AND I NEED THEM BADLY. Any ideea about what my name should be or what should i do to step out of the crowd would be so damn good!

Thanks for reading this long and boring text and have a nice day!
You should never try to be "somebody else" in your videos. Being yourself is always the best route to take! As far as your name, make it something somewhat personal yet easy to remember. I'm "OverEasyGamer" because I'm laid back and take it easy ^_^ (the gamer part doesn't need explaining I trust). As for the cursing, try not to overdo it. Yeah most audiences can take a bit of it but it can turn people off if your just spouting off swear words every time something bad happens.
Never be somebody else....well....thats an ok advice....but still...i have no ideeas about my name and what attitude should i take...i don't have enough imagination to find something really cool >_<!
Yea be sure to be yourself don't be someone fake. People will appreciate you for who you are no matter what. As far as attitude/name goes, like I said just act normal, you don't have to have a predefined attitude during a video, as far as a name goes I don't know what you like or what you would want it to be so I can't help you out much there.
Yep...ill try it...but still... Is it really worth the try? I think there are over 1milion channel not known by anyone....should i really do my best or is just a waste of time? When i received my partnership...i was the happiest man on earth...but now...i kindly doubt everything!
Well, if you try then you could grow to be part of the ones that are well known, almost everyone can become big on YouTube at some point, its just that a lot of people give up too easily.
You're thinking about this way to much. Most people on youtube built up there "Persona" the same way you would build who you are as a person, through experience. You just make videos act however you want say whatever you want to say, and don't think like to need to be like this or that. What you need to be is whoever you want to be.
Never be somebody else....well....thats an ok advice....but still...i have no ideeas about my name and what attitude should i take...i don't have enough imagination to find something really cool >_<!

I think your focusing too much about being cool, which will just come out like your trying too hard on your videos and eventually consume you. You need to be yourself, have fun and relax. So far it's worked for me and lots of other gamers! I like watching people who are just being themselves, they just so happen to be recording themselves. As far as cursing goes, it's fine if it slips out but no one likes to hear someone blurt out profanities every single second it makes people tense. I even bleep out the F-word with Navi's "Hey" from Zelda to ease the tension some cursing can bring to others and also keeping in mind on what types of games your playing can draw in a younger audience. But that's just me because I play games that attract to a younger crowd.

Now if you don't think something is a good idea and your not going to have fun doing it, like playing really hard games, then don't do it! Your channel should start out with you playing something that your comfortable with and having fun with, that is what people are going to want to see! So ask yourself what is my favorite game? Then play it, you'll have so much to talk about because your having fun you won't even have to worry about whether or not you have good content! As far as your name goes don't even worry, your name isn't going to be the thing that brings in viewers if you like "TheMadOrange" then do it! I picked "Hellokittyhugsgaming" because Hello Kitty is my fav character, hugs are awesome and I game, it's simple so don't stress too much.

and last piece of advice if you happened to make it this far. ;) Is be patient. If you just have fun, make sure you keep up with your channel and be yourself. The subs will come. I mean I only have 23 right now I could never be happier, if I never get more at least I know I have 23 people that like my videos and that's fine by me!

So good luck and I hope you can figure it out and I hope my advice helped you out in anyway! :)
To answer your question, if you are planning on doing hardest difficulty and have bad language make sure the name states that for example 'TheHardAss" "ExtremeCurse", etc