Services YouTube Graphic Design for Free

Deus Networks

Loving YTtalk
Free until the start of October

Hey all :)
I'm a graphic designer specializing in Website concepts, Application UIs and logos.
But I thought it'd be cool to try out some YouTube graphics and its free until I get the hang of things.

Just fill in the Following for what you want done, and I'll do it within 72 hours.

Banner (Channel Name, Favourite Colour, Genre, social media links (if any)
Profile Picture (Channel Name, Favourite Colour)
Logo [for Brands and such] (Channel/Brand Name, General specifications/theme)
Outro Template (Channel Name, General specifications (do you want a place for 1/2 videos), social media links)

Examples of my Work :

YTtalk Flat Concept

Hope to help you with your YouTube Graphics :)
Banner: Alex Gibbon, just go creative with it, make it quirky and cool. I would like it to feature the peace symbol, ying yang, and MAYBE Buddha if you think it works.

Outro Template: I am not good enough to work out how to have a video within a video, so just maybe a simple "thanks for watching. click for last video. click to subscribe" type thing

overall i want it all to look professional yet i want it to be fun ad show off my personality. if you need more of a gage of what my personality is like just watch my videos =]
I'd really like an outro template if you don't mind, I'd like place for two videos. Something flat, minimalistic would be nice. Twitter, Facebook and YouTube social button would be appreciated.
I'll credit you in every video I use the outro in.
Channel name is StyxieTV.
I'd ask for a logo, but I don't watch to ask too much ^^
I would like an outro, that has a spot for 2 videos, and a facebook and a twitter spot. Amd I would like it to say "Flipsternip" :)

If you would be able to, could you put something from minecraft there too? Thanks :)

And I will give you a shoutout and a spot in my featured channel box

So, I have sort of changed my order a bit, I hope you don't mind. :D

At the moment, the only content on my channel is going to be a daily talk/vlog series where I will have game-play in the background and just talk about anything and everything from what is going on in my life to the latest gaming news etc.

Channel Name: IntellectualBadass
The shirt below is where I got my inspiration for the name and I would like it if you could incorporate that phrase into the banner. In terms of colours, I wouldn't like anything too bright like the yellows below, but apart from that, go to town with it.
If you could keep it professional and clean though, that would be most appreciated.

Outro Template
At the moment, I am only planning on doing one series on my channel and so I would like the outro made specifically for it. I would like the main colours to be chilled/relaxed blues as the series is going to be called 'The Daily Chill'. I would appreciate if you could use the title in the design as well.
In terms of video boxes, I would like two with "Playlist" and "Next Episode" written below them and a subscribe button as well.

Video Overlay/Border
I know you haven't listed this as one of the things you do, but I would like the same person to do both my Outro Template and Video Overlay to ensure they work together and the transition between them will be smooth.
Like the Outro Template, it will be used for 'The Daily Chill' series and should have the title and chilled/relaxed blues incorporated.


Also, if you wouldn't mind, I would also like to discuss maybe getting some help with a few banners for my websites. Thanks!
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I would recommend having a look at my channel to see what it is I do and get a general idea of what I'm aiming for.

(Channel name: TheMinerGlup or Glup, depending on what you feel would fit most. (channel name is TheMinerGlup, but I only really use Glup when speaking.) Favourite Colour: Cyan, Blue, Purple. Genre: Gaming, though mostly Nintendo games and other very colorful games, along with Minecraft (I'm also aiming towards the combination of colors and laughter, but without seeming completely unserious. Hopefully that made sense.) social media links: Twitter: @Glupingane )

Profile Picture (Channel Name: TheMinerGlup or Glup (preferably Glup, but depending on what looks better), Favourite Colour: Cyan, Blue, Purple)

Logo (Channel/Brand Name: Glup, General specifications/theme: Keep it centered towards colorful lets plays with a hint of Minecraft, OR something that seems professional, but also possible to use in a setting like this.)

Outro Template (Channel Name: TheMinerGlup or Glup, General specifications (do you want a place for 1/2 videos): 2 videos (was thinking one for previous video, and one for previous series) , a subscribe button, a link to next video in series, twitter., Social media links: @Glupingane )

This should be somewhat of a challenge if I know myself correctly, but for all I know, you could blow my mind completely without even trying :D

If you need any more info, please don't hesitate to contact me, I usually reply fairly quick. (Though Timezones can be a pain sometimes)

Also, I'm gonna have to need permission to use these commercially, as most of my videos are monetized and I don't want trouble.
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I would like an outro template, want to see what you come up with, cause I get stuck in the creative process whenever I'm trying to do one myself.
Channel name: Ficcan , want a place for 1 video
Twitter: theFiccan
Facebook: Ficcan
My favourite color is blue :)

A logo would e cool aswell, it should say Ficcan, and my favourite color is blue again lol