Youtube Comment History?


I've Got It
If you don't enable the share comments, is there any other way to view all the comments that you have made?

I don't want to enable the share comment because that will spam my subscribers. I do wish I can go back and view the comments that I have made though. I know you get notification if someone replies. But if someone replies you by using a new comment instead of "reply" then you will not get notified.

Or is there any site that can list out all your comments? Sort of like how Twitter has an app that can multi-delete your tweets or something like that XD?
I don't think Youtube has that type of feature yet. I'm not sure if they'll ever release that in the future but you could always check your recent videos then search for your comments there :wavespin:
Welcome to the forums i haven't seen you around and im not sure as far as i know you will have to go to the comment manual by a certain video and there you can perform what you intend on doing:)
That's something good to submit to them. But I'm pretty sure there's no such thing. Except using twitter or just sharing it to your channel.
I am not aware of any methods that allow us to see all of the comments that we have left.

I understand your concern about not wanting your comments to spam your subscriber's feeds but if they don't want to see your comments, they can opt out. Besides, it doesn't show every single comment. If you replied to ten comments on one of your videos, your feed will just say that you made "such and such a comment" and (nine more).

You really should consider turning on that feature. Because if somebody missed one of your uploads, you commenting or replying on your video will show up in their Feed and it improves your interactivity/stats.