Youtube changed my partnership?


I have joined in Life network from January. Life is belong to QuizGroup it's a sub-network. I've got more than 300$ in 2 months and waiting for the first payment. But today when I woke up and check my channel. It's totally changed :-o My network is n't Life anymore, it've changed to Quiz group Aggregator. And all the balance is Zero. My analytic is 0$. Everything is gone. What's happen? I didn't click on any link on my channel to change network.I dont understand what's going on.....
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Looks like the either QG changed the Content Owner name or they more likely transferred you to another Content Owner of theirs, which would explain the resetting of analyticsl
They've just changed it and move all the money that I've work hard, so sad :(
You'll still be paid, MCNs generate their pay outs off of the files they get from YouTube on the 9-10th of each month, not off of analytics as those are just estimates and tend to be off by 2-3%.

Just means you can't see analytics for when you were linked to the other Content Owner
Thanks a lot Shane :(
I was joined in Life on 11/1/2014. What I know is they will pay for me on the end of Feb. But till 4th the March I didn't receive anything. I still wait but today when I woke up. I can't beleive it. All is gone. You think that they will pay for me?
I think they will still pay you, yes.

Last time I heard, they pay 55 days after each month, so that's the 25th of March for January! :)
No I amn't and have never been with them, I just like to keep up to date on other networks!

They have improved in my eyes in 2013 with a higher revshare and better contracts, that's all I'll say.