YouTube "bad word" censorship

najiah griffiths

New Member
Hi, I'm a creator who likes to speak on certain topics, that of which may be recognized as "controversial." I'm noticing many youtubers deliberately not even verbally speak certain words for fear of having their video be flagged. my first question is why are these YT'rs doing this? Can Youtube's A.I literally detect words that are spoken on the video and flag the video based on these spoken words?

My second question is what words cannot be spoken if i would like to have a successful channel, and one that is in good standing with the ad-revenue program? On top of that, I also don't want any of my videos to be taken down and definitely don't want strikes on my channel that could eventually cause my channel to be removed. Certain words like "Covid-19" "Vaccination" and "abortion" seem to be words that can cause trouble for a creator. Should i try to avoid these words altogether? Should i try to use other words to describe the words I cannot say? If i speak the actual trigger words, how can i say them and in what context? Very confused by all this, about what I can and cannot say that could potentially ruin my YouTube channel and all the hard work that is put into it.

I do not tend to do controversial topics, but as an old sailor, I do swear... well, like a sailor. You are asking about other controversial words, but the AI should work the same on any words. YT automatically adds closed captioning, so they certainly know what words we use.

I have done some vlogs about the covid lockdown in my area. There were a couple vids in the very beginning of this mess that got flagged as not ad friendly, but YT quickly changed their rules, and later vids did not get flagged (I never looked to see if my earlier ones got unflagged). From what I have seen, speaking about covid is not a problem - lying about covid is. Context seems to be more important than any particular words. I was only speaking about the rules and the effects of the lockdown around us. I was not giving medical or political commentary...

YT has said many times that it is important not to cuss in the first 30 seconds of the video, the title, or the thumbnail (for monetization). I do not know if other controversial words need the same time buffer. I usually do not cuss in the first minute, then I say whatever the f#$% I want. It has not been a problem for monetization, I do not know if it is an issue with them promoting the vid. My channel is small enough, I do not think they bother to promote it much anyway.