Vlog Your story, animated! Collab request

Hi Everyone,
Do you have any of those party/campfire stories of something that happened to you that always gets a good laugh? Do you have a knack for storytelling and connecting with people? Let me animate your story and bring it to life.

I'm an animator and I'd love to illustrate your real-life adventure or funny story on video and introduce you to my audience. I have a channel for people who love to hear good, funny, real-life stories. I'm focusing on promoting other YouTubers who are great storytellers.

If you wanted to record a story for my channel, I could create the outro CTA for subscribing to your channel. It could be a trade for content/promotion.

I'm not a very big channel now but I'm working hard to change that. I'd love for any help from anyone that believes in the power of storytelling and we can help each other out.

Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you!
