Your opinions on

Patrick Harris

You see what I did there?
I signed up with them about 2 years ago and tried to talk to as many people as I could. I admit that I knew NOTHING about being a nerdfighter, and I confess that to this day I think the concept of "nerdfighters" is just down right weird. What? Do they fight nerds? *scratches head*

They ended up having some problems with the site and it was down for a while, but I recently discovered it was back so I decided to check in and see what it was about. Sorry to say that the layout confuses the hell out of me, and no one there seems to be as open, inviting and friendly as they are here. When I was there, I never felt like I connected with anyone, but here I can name about half a dozen people that I consider a really good friend.

Yes, I want to get my channel off the ground and get it out there as much as possible, but I don't think I'll be spending any time on that site at all. I'd much rather stick it out here where I know everyone is nice and open minded, rather than go back over there where I feel like just another number.

Maybe my experience on that site is an isolated one. Is anyone else here on And if so, would you consider it a positive experience?
Well, I had never seen it, but the front page is covered with spam, so that's never good. The forum looks okay. I recognize the software they are using. It's called BuddyPress, an offshoot of Wordpress. The forum is probably bbPress. They're okay, but since they are made by different groups, you have to really put some work into the site design to make it look and act cohesive.
I'm on your pants and... Well, aside from meeting a few people when advertising for people to join a collab channel I'd say you've pretty much nailed it in saying that it's not even half as inviting as it is here!

Oh and a nerdfighter is just the name for fans of Vlogbrothers, and I think it's meant to mean something like 'nerds who fight world suck' but in that case wouldn't Nerd-Fighters work better? Sounds more like a fighting nerd than a person who fights nerds!
Oh and a nerdfighter is just the name for fans of Vlogbrothers, and I think it's meant to mean something like 'nerds who fight world suck' but in that case wouldn't Nerd-Fighters work better? Sounds more like a fighting nerd than a person who fights nerds!
How about Ninja Nerds.
I was on Yourpants a few years ago, and I've recently returned after it relaunched. I absolutely love the Vlogbrothers channel and the concept of being a nerdfighter. However, the forum is NOT as active as it was before it went down. There are less people there, and many forums go unnoticed and unreplied. There are also less forum topics. Before there were subjects such as Art, Theatre, Movies, Video Games, and Fanfiction to post under. Now the topics are general...there's no place to discuss these things with fellow nerdfighters. I love the site and will still use it, I just wish it was more detailed and had more active users.
i can't post links yet, but -> watch?v=tuvCb5eBbjE
this video explains nerdfighters :)

basically john sees an arcade game called 'aero fighters' and jokes that it looks like 'nerd fighters' and the rest is history.

yourpants was awesome and I met a lot of people and got a lot of subscribers when it was first launched. But hackers attacked and it's never been the same since. they still have a ning network that's pretty active.
Same here. I agree with Kyle and Wendy that the interaction in YourPants went down when the site went down during The Hacking. There used to be a whole heapload of activity in there, but I guess either people just forgot about the site because it took so long to get back up, or they just found the recreation of their profiles and connections to be a hassle.

Personally I feel that there is so much more activity there. And, in YourPants, apart from being a B to login into, has a gajillion spambot thingies on the page. Not nice to look at. But I'm glad I found my way here, truly! :)

And, yes, the Nerdfighter term does confuse non-nerdfighters, but it's more of just a title and a community now--a keyword to get recognized more than anything else. :)