Your favorite type of videos to do?


What's your favorite type of videos to create?
Personally I like doing funny comedy skits or experiments.
What about you?
Anything that involves characters other than myself. I do like to talk directly to the camera/audience, but I love the weird world I've created with my cast of puppet characters. The cooking ones, with various "guest stars," are lots of fun, or the George the Self Esteem Cat videos, where no actual people show up.
I enjoy to make funny videos or gaming videos. Comedy skits are fun to make but not so fun to edit so i usually do gaming!!!
Ones with string instruments and/or pianos and where the singer ends up looking really creepy, especially when they look up at the camera on a closeup. And ones with a lot of blue originally, especially in liquid form, so that it becomes red and looks like blood when I'm done with it.
My favourite videos to make are my tutorial videos, mostly because they're blatantly and unashamedly incorrect (c.f.: How to CoD, one of my personal favourites to make xD)