Writing scripts for videos, what's your process?

my scripts tend to be written like an hour before filming, if i use one and even then its just a bare script that i embellish on while recording :P more like notes than a script i suppose lolz
I dont write scripts, im too fast when I read off them.

I just say it off my head. Act like your talking to a friend and you will feel more comfortable speaking on video.
for short films I script (i feel it's necessary for a film). I usually plan an idea and free ball it in my head. If I think up a line that I really love, then I write it down and make sure I can work that line in. When I'm rolling with the idea, I try to figure out how many characters I need (not want, but need for the main story to happen). Then I start writing.

I don't just write out dialogue either. I'll write out actions from something as small as "place hand on other person's shoulder" to large, semi-coordinated fight scenes! :D i also describe scenery and background stuff. Whatever can paint an accurate description of what I'm picturing in my head.

Now, keep in mind, for average youtube videos, this is pretty overkill, lol! in fact, none of the videos you see on my channel is scripted this way. Those I just work with my friend around a certain concept or line. But for bigger projects, it's nice to script this way. Especially if you are working/collabing with someone who is far from you. If the people reading your script can almost see what you see, then the project will go much more smoothly
I actually write out my scripts/storylines a few months in advance. The reason why is because it gives me time to think of how I want the video to look. It also gives me time to make changes to the storyline if I want to. I picture in my head what characters will be in the video and what they'll be doing. If it's a major video I sometimes even write out a dialog on notepad and read over it before I film the actual video.